Tuesday, September 7, 2010

More Rental Home Fun

Okay so I went to Lowes and brought home four paint samples, my girlfriend and I ........no silly not that kind of girfriend!! You know I am married to a MAN!!   anyway, my girlfriend and I painted  four large spots on the wall in my bedroom.  I had a good laugh when husband came to bed, the look on his face like, "oh, brother here we go again"  gotta love it.    I just cant help myself and Iam  definately an HGTV junky.The older I get, I think I'm starting to like yardsales too,  Houston, we have a problem!! Ha!

Rental Home Fun!

Okay so we r back in Crystal Springs, Ms Tomato Capital of the world! Seriously.   We are in a friends house for now, using it as a rental! Of course even though it's a rental I look around and see all the things I could do, in a design sense!  I'll probably win the Lottery soon and be able to afford to do all the things I think about. Well maybe not since I don't play the Lottery, hmmm oh well!   I did get a flag for the front of the house just to create a little spice out front and I'm so loving the flag....would've never thought it.  The house is just what I call an old MawMaw house....love them. So many possibilities!  First on the list is to paint the room my youngest son is in, he decided better not keep the baby pink walls....just in case friends come over....need a manly color!!
Okay so I'm going to start a blog just to share with family and friends .  Will be trying some different things in the coming days and posting.  Blog soon!